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The Human Genome Project

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The Human Genome Project:

The Human Genome Project or HGP is the most modern form of genetic research that was a thirteen year project coordinated by the U.S. Department of Energy and the National Institutes of Health.  The project goals of the Human Genome Project were to identify all the approximately 25,000 genes in human DNA.  Determine the sequences of the three billion chemical base pairs that make up human DNA and store this information in databases.  They need to improve tools for the data analysis.  Part of this project was to research and develop the technology to interpret human gene functions; an example of this would be to see how the organisms in the human body react to the bacteria of E. coli. 

The technology of computers for the Human Genome Project helped in this area of research because it stored all the essential information that was needed to make the project a success.  The data analysis that was used made for the improvements of the researchers and scientists working to determine if the HGP was prepared for people to know about it.  This was another big break through in the world of science all with the help of computers and computer technology.

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